My Dream Come True!!!

     I forgot posting this article during spring break so this is the post I wrote when spring break just started.

     I am so excited now because my spring break already started!!! And believe it or not, I will go to my dream city New York!!!!! I cannot believe it I can go there because I already traveled two times in US so I do not have enough money to travel. However my boyfriend will take me to NY by car so I can go there. It is my dream to go there and not only me, many people in Japan dream of going there! I am such a lucky girl. And I can go there with my boyfriend and also I can spend time in NY on my 20 years old birthday too! It is perfect. 20 birthday is the biggest birthday in my country (like 21 is the biggest one in US), so I am really grateful for it.
Now, my spring break already started so I am going to search where we will visit. We both are broke so we cannot spend that much money in NY but I am sure the trip is going to be awesome because we are together:) And I hope we will not have fight.

     Before I came here, I listed what I wanted to do in US.  For example, going to Grand canyon, to try hitch-hiker, make american boy friend, travel somewhere with boyfriend, spend time on new years eve in times square, etc. I listed 84 and, to be honest, it was too difficult to come true but I already did it 30% of them. And after I come back from NY travel, I will complete half of them. I am going to introduce 24 things I did in here today.

     First, going to Grand canyon. During spring break, I went to there with my friend is from same university. Actually we did not have that much time to look around so we looked it only from the sky. Her friend has Cessna and he has also the driver license, so we could ride it and look at Grand canyon from the sky. It is cool right? However we did not have enough time to go inside the Grnd canyon national park so we did not sadly.

    I went to clubs in here too. We have club in my country but it was really different from our country ones because Japanese is not so good at dancing and they are so shy so they do not dance that much.

 Before I came here I did not cook at all so I wanted to improve my cooking skill and I did it too! Still now, when I cook something I need to look at recipes but i got used to cook. My favorite dishes to cook are carbonara pasta, cheese risotto, paella, white wine cream soup. I always end up cooking something same so I will try to cook other food too.

And most surprising thing was that I could make boyfriend!! Actually I had not had boyfriend for about 7 years! Such a long ago right? And also I listed that I go to travel with boyfriend! When I wrote this two things, I did not mean it because I did not think I could so I am really happy I did it.
I cannot say thank you enough for him.


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