History of social media

     Now, social media is essential thing for not only companies but also us. When I take the bus or train, everyone use their phone to check their social media. Only for this 10 years, the scenery of society was totally changed. I think most of people cannot image that the life without social media. So then, when did it start and how? I read an article about it so let me introduce it.

In 1940, the first computer was made in US by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly at the University of Pennsylvania. This was very first step which lead to the birth of internet.
The earliest forms of internet were developed in 1960 and primitive forms of email were also developed at this time. Network technology had improved in 1970, and Usenet allowed users to communicate through a virtual newsletter. 

By the 1980s, home computer were becoming more common and social media was becoming more sophisticated. Internet relay chats and continued to be popular well into the 1990's.

By these series of facts, today's social media was created. When we plan something with friends or family or whoever, we use social media as snapchat, instagram, Facebook, etc. I cannot image how inconvenient it is, if we have to gather one place to hang out with friends without phone (it happens sometimes even now for me, because my phone is dead). We should thank them and use phone and social media in a right and good way.


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