My best memory in my life

The moment my dream came true 

     "What is your best memory in your life? " When people ask me this question, I definitely answer "My first dream came true."

     Since I was 8 years old, I have played badminton. Now, I just play for fun once or twice a month. When I was in elementary school, I was a really weak badminton player but I was such a competitive person so I cried every time when I lost a game. I always watched a game of strong players and I admired the way they played. I really wanted to become a strong player like them but at the same time I felt it was impossible because I was too weak a player.

     After I entered middle school, I started to practice badminton hard every single day and also I started to practice with professional teachers. I was a weak player but fortunately I was a very athletic person so after I started to practice hard, my skill improved a lot. As a middle school student, I was still not as good as the high level player. However, I am the kind of person who always tends to have big dreams. So I started to think "I want to participate in the national tournament when I become a high school student." That was the beginning of everything.

Celebration for participating national tournament
When we were on local TV 
     I decided to go to the high school that had a s trong badminton team. The high school was very famous for having a strict coach, so my mother friends said to her "Your daughter should not go to that high school because that school is too high a level for her." However, my mother did not tell me about that until after I graduated from the high school. So I went to that high school. Even though I knew that school was so strict and there were so many good players, the life in that team was so much harder than what I expected. Of course, we did not have day off on usual day but also even during exam week we did not have it. We practiced for 4 hours in weekday and for 7

hours in weekend. And also, we had night practice until 10pm second time for a week. The hardest thing was not a practice but my coach yelled at me every single day. It made my mental broken. In addition, I had many unfair things for
example; I could not participate in a game because my coach forgot to entry my name but he told me it was my fault so he did not try to apologize. This kind of things happened so many times. It is crazy right?

At match venue
Opening ceremony of national tournament 
    My dream was not only participating in the national tournament, but also becoming a captain of the team. I could become a captain of the team but it was also hardest thing ever because I was not strong compared to other teammates but I should have gave instruction to them so at first they did not try to follow my instruction. And also my coach did not trust me as a captain at first because I was not good player and I had never made results on game. So I tried hard to practice every single days for establishing trust from my coach and teammates and making my dream come true. Time went by, little by little I improved my skill and trained my mind and also they started to trust me. The more I had unpleasant experience, the more I became tough. And then, I could win the game it was decided that I could participate in national tornament or not. Even still now I feel like the moment was in my dream. Everyone who knew me since I was young could not believe it and they were proud of me because I made my dream come true but the most person could not believe it was me. I cannot believe it still now it happened to me. It was hardest things ever to be captain of the team and establish trust with my evil coach and survive the daily severe training and pull the team together but it made me strong and taught me many important things in life. One of things I learned from my experience is that if you have your dream and you really want the dream come true, you should believe passionately that you can make your dream come true and hope strongly it and try hard every single day more than anyone. Even no one believed me, I kept believing myself and whatever happened to me, I did not give up and I kept trying hard every single day. And then I could make my dream come true. So even you feel far from you dream, don't think you can't do it. Even no one believe you can do that, only you believe yourself. This is my tips for you from my real experience.

This is my best memory in my life now but I will make other memories much better than this memory.


  1. Hi Moe,

    I loved this post. Hearing that you were able to grow as a player and a captain is amazing! You really proved that you are able to accomplish any goal you set for yourself. In high school, I was in a very competitive orchestra. The coach of your team sounds a lot like my band's director. Both seem to be very harsh. I am happy to hear that your experience was worth it and you were able to make such a great memory.

    Thanks for sharing such a positive and awesome personal story!

  2. Moe, this is such an inspiring story! I understand the feeling of loving an activity so much but feeling like you have to prove yourself, or like people don't believe in you. It is really hard, especially when the people who are supposed to help you get better, like a coach, is negative. But I believe anyone can do anything they set their mind to if they really put in the hard work to improve and believe in themselves, despite what anyone else thinks. You are such a great example of how peoples' dreams can come true if they fight for them. I'm so happy for you! Thanks for sharing.


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